Saverys to West Auckland Property Management

Times have changed and auckland property management has been deregulated (anyone can be a property manager auckland!), but both Glenn and Helen are licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 (REAA) and are Accredited Property Managers. Glenn is also an Associate – AREINZ.

Times have changed and property management has been deregulated (anyone can be a property manager!), but both Glenn and Helen are licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 (REAA) and are Accredited Property Managers. Glenn is also an Associate – AREINZ.

Every year, to keep their licenses, they are expected to attend 10 hours of “Verifiable Training” plus 10 hours of “Non Verifiable Training”. They are also members of the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) and Leading Property Managers of New Zealand (LPMNZ). To uphold their membership, Glenn and Helen must attend regular training with them to ensure they are up to date with the rental market and the latest in property management (e.g. the Methamphetamine ‘P’ scourge, insulation, and changes to the Residential Tenancies Act).

For instance, did you know that the tenant’s rent is paid into a Trust Account? It is held there until it is paid out to you – extra security for you.

What’s the word on inspections? Inspections are carried out soon after the tenants first move in – that is the best time to find any maintenance issues – then approximately three or four inspections occur annually depending on your requirements.

By the way, have you checked your insurance policy – does your insurance company have specific requirements for the frequency of the inspections?

We have a raft of contractors to tackle most maintenance, repairs, cleaning and damage. Being licensed, we can also sell your property if required – this could mean less disruption for your tenant (no caravan of agents) and rent up to settlement day.

So, if you have a property problem or tenant problem give West Auckland Property Management a ring (09) 832 0832. Yes, we are your problem solvers!

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